Website & eCommerce- Odoo 15 Enterprise Book

eCommerce Dashboard

Cuando abra el módulo del sitio web, ingresará en la ventana del tablero de comercio electrónico del módulo del sitio web.La ventana del tablero de comercio electrónico visualizará las actuaciones y actividades de su tienda web, como se muestra a continuación.

Odoo 15 Website Ecommerce Odoo 15 Website Ecommerce

This dashboard view provides an extra nudge of your eCommerce shop performances with the help of various charts, graphs, pivots, and aggregated data. It can be considered as a report analysis tool for specifically visualizing the qualitative and quantitative reports associated with the marketing and selling of items and services through the online platform. If you generate reports in graphs or charts, it will be easier to consume other than descriptive reports. This window will allow you to track your sales growth and all the reports regarding your eCommerce business performed using this platform. The reports of the sales activities done on the website can be generated daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly.

By accessing this window, you will get a clear view of the total sales, total orders, untaxed total, average order, customer details, and many more aspects. The various Filters, Comparison, Favourite, and Search options are also available. The default filters such as Confirmed Orders, Unpaid Orders, Abandoned Carts, Order Date etc, will help you easily find your required data. The GO TO WEBSITE button available in the window allows you to jump into your website.

We discussed the eCommerce Dashboard window and now let us look at the Analytics menu that can also be accessed from the Dashboard tab.