Website & eCommerce- Odoo 15 Enterprise Book

Website and eCommerce

Odoo, un paquete completo para soluciones comerciales, le ofrece un constructor de sitios web avanzado con una interfaz y marco únicos.El módulo de constructor de sitios web de código abierto de código abierto de múltiples usos le proporciona información sobre la gestión de todas las operaciones interconectadas con un sitio web y las actividades de comercio electrónico.La instalación de integración en tiempo real perfecta de este módulo conecta la plataforma con todos los demás módulos.Las características multipropósito de la plataforma facilitan la manipulación de cada operación y requisitos y también actúan como un creador de sitios web perfecto, sitio de comercio electrónico, portal de clientes, portal de reclutamiento de recursos humanos, portal de trabajo, portal educativo y muchos más aspectos.

Puede crear y personalizar sitios web sin esfuerzo para su negocio, y también la plataforma construir, administrar y diseñar exclusivamente según los requisitos y políticas de su negocio.La plataforma exclusiva ofrece usabilidad front-end y back-end.Los cambios traídos en cualquier extremo se identificarán automáticamente en el otro.

Debido a las innumerables ventajas y beneficios. La tendencia de los negocios y las compras se centró en plataformas en línea y de comercio electrónico.Vender artículos en línea con una tienda en línea única y profesional es la decisión correcta para un negocio exitoso.La plataforma de comercio electrónico en Odoo le permite realizar idealmente todas las operaciones de ventas en línea mucho mejores que la forma tradicional de operaciones comerciales.El sitio web de Odoo y la plataforma de comercio electrónico son muy recomendables entre las personas comerciales que buscan un sitio web sólido y un sistema de comercio electrónico.Este capítulo discutirá todos los aspectos del sitio web de Odoo 15 y el módulo de comercio electrónico en detalle.

Enumeremos las características principales del módulo del sitio web de Odoo 15:

  • Using the Odoo Website module, you can create various website forms that will be very useful for analyzing your customers' requirements and queries. It also helps you get a clear view of how to improve your items via receiving your customers' feedback.
  • It is the right tool to gather customer information.
  • The user-friendly system allows you to create, configure and design your website with more advanced features and functionalities.
  • You can simply design your website using the default building blocks. These exclusive building blocks can also be customized based on the needs of your organization or business.
  • Building blocks can be easily dragged and dropped.
  • Translate your website into multiple languages effortlessly.
  • Excellent support to design custom themes in a professional touch
  • The content of your website can be edited directly from the front end.
  • Create, edit, and update your text contents in the same manner as in the word processing
  • The salient tools like keyword suggestions and the meta tag tools will help you to higher your website ranking on search engines, resulting in better traffic on your website.
  • The multi-website facility and link tracking facilities are also available
  • Scrutinize leads by Google analytics.
  • Robust Live chat facility with an exclusive pop up chat window.
  • Feasible to share websites through social media.
  • Easily design Odoo templates with the assistance of HTML and bootstrap CSS.
  • You can design your website layout from the finest one displayed
  • Multiple themes are available in the Odoo app store, which can easily be changed.
  • Mobile preview also available
  • Social media call to action will promote your website to gather your audience and tell you what to do next.
  • Ahora echamos un vistazo a las nuevas opciones incluidas en el módulo del sitio web de Odoo:

  • New Website Configurator: Odoo 15 Website module brings a new artificial intelligence engine to configure entire websites based on your business and business preferences.
  • Background Images: Odoo gives more flexibility for setting background images in its 15 edition. That means it allows you to avail extra tall or extra wide images as backgrounds.
  • Include Animations: You can include animations to the text, images, and columns to improve user experiences. Introducing these animated shapes will give more acceptability and effectiveness to the website.
  • Boolean Toggle Widget: Upgraded the clarity of the boolean toggle widget. With this option, you can quickly edit that field without going to the edit mode.
  • Building Blocks: The building block section of the 15 Odoo Website module includes so many new templates. It will be very useful for designing your website in a more attractive and advanced way. Multiple templates are exclusively available for the Accordion, Masonry, Steps, and Products building blocks. You can also select a custom color for their link button. The platform also added a brand new building block to receive donations. Moreover, you can define conditional visibility.
  • Easily Share Coupons: 15 Odoo Website module introduced the chance to share all the available coupons through email, links, and social media.
  • Set up Default Form Value: Odoo Website module allows you to define a default form value on form inputs.
  • Document: The Odoo 15 Website module is more comfortable for quickly adding documents to the website. You are also permitted to select a suitable design for the customers or visitors to download.
  • You can easily change the assignee, priority, and state of a document with the assigned hotkeys.
  • Double-Indexing: Avoided the double indexing of website home pages with multi-language options.
  • Advanced Keyboard Navigation: Odoo Website module upgraded keyboard navigation within the dropdown menu. The command palette design and footer also improved. Now you can select multiple companies at once in the company switcher.
  • HTML: Included advanced functionalities for you to include customized HTML codes in a building block.
  • Advanced Google Analytics integration: In the Odoo 15 Website module, Odoo updated Google Analytics integration to serve Google’s most recent updates.
  • Allows to build Forms: The system included great support for users to build forms along with fields that are visible conditionally.
  • Exclusive Search option: Updated Website Search bars for searching products, blogs, and other aspects. You can also quickly sort out the items for getting specific data or items through the search panel.
  • Improvements in displaying images: Odoo 15 Website module introduced improvements for display image size; you can add more animated shapes into the images. Also raised a new progress bar for image upload.
  • Pie Charts: The percentages are now displayed in Pie Chart forms in the reporting section.
  • Modern Themes: Every theme in the module has a unique and more advanced appearance.
  • Quick Search: Quick search option is accessible for selection fields
  • Customize Web page header: You can easily customize the web page header with attractive new and advanced templates.
  • Video Building Blocks; To make it possible to select a background video easily, Odoo included twelve suggested videos.
  • Advanced Website Logo: In Odoo 15 Website module included a new default website logo.

Hasta ahora, discutimos las características y las nuevas actualizaciones en el módulo del sitio web Odoo 15, y ahora pensamos en el módulo del sitio web de Odoo.

Si desea acceder al módulo del sitio web, debe instalar el módulo Odoo en su base de datos.

Odoo 15 Website Ecommerce

Ahora puede hacer clic en el icono del sitio web para ingresar al módulo.La imagen del tablero de inicio del módulo se representa a continuación.

Odoo 15 Website Ecommerce

La ventana del tablero de inicio del módulo del sitio web de Odoo representará el tablero de comercio electrónico como se muestra en la imagen de arriba.(Debe confirmar que el módulo de comercio electrónico también está instalado en su sistema).