Website & eCommerce- Odoo 15 Enterprise Book

Configure eCommerce Website

En este mundo técnico, el comercio electrónico se ha convertido en un papel fundamental en todo tipo de negocios.Las plataformas de comercio electrónico traen un aumento drástico en el negocio a través de plataformas en línea.Las posibilidades de vender productos y servicios en línea, que las empresas pueden establecer en todo el mundo, y es una forma conveniente para que los clientes compren sus productos.La plataforma Odoo ERP también le ofrece una plataforma súper amigable para negocios de comercio electrónico, y proporciona una plataforma de comercio electrónico exclusiva para la operación de la empresa.

Let us look at how to set up the product accessibility in the platform.

Product Accessibility

When we set up the product description in the Odoo platform, you have the possibility to make it accessible for your eCommerce business. Even more, the Odoo platform allows you to set your products accessible for a single website without showing in other company websites if your system performs multiple website operations. To do this, you can go to the Product description menu, where you have the provision to describe the details. For viewing this, let us enter into the product description window of the Inventory module. In the Product creation window, you can view the eCommerce Shop section under the Sales tab.

Odoo 15 Website Ecommerce

This section allows you to mention the corresponding websites to display this particular product.

Odoo 15 Website Ecommerce

Upon selecting the Website option, you will depict all the website names you configured in the platform on the drop-down menu. Additionally, you are allowed to mention the categories. If you mention the category, the product will be available in each mentioned eCommerce category. Similarly, you can activate the Out-of-Stock, Show Available Qty options and the Out of Stock Messages to make the operations more advanced.

If you want to make the same product available for multiple websites, Odoo allows you to duplicate the product description and define it on different websites. You can access the Duplicate option from the Actions button.

Odoo 15 Website Ecommerce

As we clear on the Product Accessibility aspect of the platform and now let us have a look into the Payment Acquirers