- Acuerdos de compra
- Advertencia
- Atributos del producto
- Categoria de ProductO
- Coincidencia de Recibos de Compra y Facturas de 3 Vías
- Compra
- Gestión de Productos
- Gotero
- Ordenes de Compra
- Receptores productos
- Reportes
- RequestForQuotationPurchaserOrder
- Unidad de Medida
- UnitfMeAsurectatecturaciones
- Vendorbills
- Vendormanagació
- Administrador
- Billofmateriales
- Categoría de equipos
- Configuraciones de WorkCenters
- CorrectiveMaintenancerequest
- Creando Merman Oferta
- Creando una orden de reparacia
- Enrutamiento
- Fabricación
- Gerencia
- Gerencia de Reparacia
- Gestión de la Calidad
- Gestión del Ciclo de Vida del Producto
- HowtounBuildOrder
- Manejo de Mantenimiento
- ManufacturingOrderManagement
- Mermanes de Creendo
- Nobildaproducto
- Orden
- Planificación de Trabajadores
- Planificante
- Preventivemaintenancerequest
- Productora de administración
- QualityControlpoints
- Reportes
- Subcontratacia
- WorkCenters y Rutings
- Workcenters
- Ajustes de Inventario
- Anuncios
- Capacidad de Productos
- Categorizacia de productos
- Configuración del producto
- Confirmación de Correo Electrónico de Entrega
- Consiguio un
- Coste de Aterrizaje
- Entrega
- Gestión de Almacenes
- Horario de Programació
- IntegratingthirdPartyshipper
- Inventario
- Operaciones de inventario
- Paquetes de Entrega
- Parpadeo
- Planificador
- ProductVariants
- Ratidrategas
- Reglas y rutas
- Reportes
- SMSCONFirmationAtDelivery
- Ubicacia
- Unidades de Medida
Odoo 14 book
It's obvious in the fact that an employee would like their close kin and loved ones to be able to work in an reputed organization and moreover they get the same opportunity as the employee gets. Considering these aspects the Odoo platform has designed and developed the user friendly and having a good visual interface referral module. The module allows the users and the employees to send out the job posting details on the vacancies available in their company directly to external contact via email.
The below image shows the most attractive and graphically illustrated window of the Odoo platform the referral module. The user can access all the aspects of the module from this window and perform the operation of referral recruitment.

The referral module of the Odoo platform works based on the reward pontins for the employees. The various stages of points being acquired could be listed out in the platform. As an employee refers to an external applicant and gets involved in various stages of the recruitment process the referred employee is provided with points which can be exchanged for the reward products available. The user can set up the rewards in the rewards window of the module and create a new one by selecting the create option available. Provide the cost, select the product and provide a custom made description for the reward.

The various levels of the employee on the referral could be set up in the platform under the levels window available in the configuration dashboard.

To create a new level of operation select the level name, required points and an iconic animatory image could be provided.

The alerts of the recruitment operations of the various pstings of the job could be described under the alers window of the module. And the user can create a new one by selecting the create option. Where the user can provide the period of operation, and specify the operations which could be done on the respective alert. The alert description can be customised and provided to the window which would be displayed on the alerts notification.

The various Onboarding text on the referral aspects of the operation under job postings could be created in this window of onboardings which can be accessed from the configuration menu.

The friends icons on the respective candidate being should be assigned for the aspects of distinguishing between the applicants. To create a respective friend icon the user can do so from the friend window available in the configuration menu.

On selecting the create option the user will be depicted with the window where the user can provide the name of the friend, position of the operations and induction of the dashboard image which is set as mandatory in the platform operations.

As the descriptions are being set up the user can now be indulged in the referral operations of the company. From the below image window the user can select the start option to be engaged in the referral aspects.

Below is the respective dashboard of the referral module shown to the respective user and the employees. The avatar and the name can be changed as per the user privileges.

To refer a friend the user can select the view all jobs option available which will allow the users to send off referral aspects to his /her friends and relatives.

From the listings of the jobs available from the recruitment module or the HR department of the company the user can either send out the reference mail directly by selecting the refer a friend option available. Else the user can view all the job descriptions by selecting the moninfo option available. In addition the platform provides provisions for the job link to be shared from the links available via social media such as facebook, twitter or linked in.
The below image shows the mailing window where the user can send out the information of the job posting. An email ID is mandatory, a default subject will be created or can be customised as per the user requirements. Under the description menu the user can provide a description which is generated in default or can be customised.

As the candidate receives the email he/she can select the link available and will be directed to the company website where the application can be submitted. On reading the job description if he/she is willing to apply select the apply now option available.

Below is the job application window of the platform which can be customised by the user. Here is where the candidates will apply for the respective openings available.

The Odoo approval module will bring in various aspects of hiring employees based on the referral operations. Moreover, this methodology will in turn benefit the company as it will help them to attain and attract skillful candidates to be employees of their company.