- Acuerdos de compra
- Advertencia
- Atributos del producto
- Categoria de ProductO
- Coincidencia de Recibos de Compra y Facturas de 3 Vías
- Compra
- Gestión de Productos
- Gotero
- Ordenes de Compra
- Receptores productos
- Reportes
- RequestForQuotationPurchaserOrder
- Unidad de Medida
- UnitfMeAsurectatecturaciones
- Vendorbills
- Vendormanagació
- Administrador
- Billofmateriales
- Categoría de equipos
- Configuraciones de WorkCenters
- CorrectiveMaintenancerequest
- Creando Merman Oferta
- Creando una orden de reparacia
- Enrutamiento
- Fabricación
- Gerencia
- Gerencia de Reparacia
- Gestión de la Calidad
- Gestión del Ciclo de Vida del Producto
- HowtounBuildOrder
- Manejo de Mantenimiento
- ManufacturingOrderManagement
- Mermanes de Creendo
- Nobildaproducto
- Orden
- Planificación de Trabajadores
- Planificante
- Preventivemaintenancerequest
- Productora de administración
- QualityControlpoints
- Reportes
- Subcontratacia
- WorkCenters y Rutings
- Workcenters
- Ajustes de Inventario
- Anuncios
- Capacidad de Productos
- Categorizacia de productos
- Configuración del producto
- Confirmación de Correo Electrónico de Entrega
- Consiguio un
- Coste de Aterrizaje
- Entrega
- Gestión de Almacenes
- Horario de Programació
- IntegratingthirdPartyshipper
- Inventario
- Operaciones de inventario
- Paquetes de Entrega
- Parpadeo
- Planificador
- ProductVariants
- Ratidrategas
- Reglas y rutas
- Reportes
- SMSCONFirmationAtDelivery
- Ubicacia
- Unidades de Medida
Odoo 14 book
The Approval module of the Odoo platform is the advanced permission request applications for managing the operations of the employees in an organization. This methodology of the Odoo platform will bring in an orthodox way of dealing with the operations the permission request and granting. The paperless module will bring in unanimity and advancements of information sharing with the employees and the respective managers.
To create approval requests the user should initially set up the approval types. THis could be set up by selecting the approval types menu form the dashboard. There would be various default types to operate on or the users can create and customise new ones. The below image shows the dashboard form which new approvals could be created.

The approval types menu will show the list of approvals available and the user can create a new one by selecting the create option available in the window. The list of approvals can be sorted out using various filtering and group by options which are available in default and by customization options.

As the user selects to create a new approval type he/she is depicted with the window as shown below.The user has provision to provide the name and description on the approval type. There are various field options available inorder for the approval to be acceptable by the managers which can be set required, optional and not required.
Under the approvers menu the user can assign the respective approvers. Enable the respective manager to be an approver assign the external as well as internal approvers moreover provide a minimum approval numbers for the approval request to be accepted by the manager.

On creating the approval type the user can now create approval requests under the respective approval type. From the approvals home dashboard select the required approval type and select the new request icon available. The user will be shown with the window as shown below. Provide the date and period of operation, amount if inculcated with at the request, the references,contact and location of the requested operation to be conducted.
If there are any products being involved the user can select to add them by selecting the add a line option under the products menu. A custom made description could also be provided under the description menu. The list of approvers required to approve the request can be assigned. On verifying the details the user should save and submit the request.

As the requests have been submitted and the manager logs in to his/her dashboard he/she can view the request which needs to be approved under the approval requests menu in the manager dashboard of the approval module. The below image depicts the approval request menu from which the manager can choose the respective one and approve it upon verification.

The manager is also provided with provisions to cancel the request and reject the request which has been sent.

The Odoo approval module will bring in autonomy and a steady state of operational principles in the operation of permission requests into the company.