Odoo 14 book


The retails mode of sale application by Odoo. This module allows the user to integrate their retail operations of the company with Odoo. This functionality can be accessed remotely using various connected devices. In addition a real time integration with the company inventory would be an added advantage in the retail operation. The module provides the user with both front end and back end usability where the modification made in either aspect is auto detected in the other.

To avail Odoo ERP for Manufacturing industry, you have to first install Manufacturing Module from Odoo Apps. As Odoo promotes integration of manufacturing module with other modules it helps inventory coordination and accounting also.

Odoo helps to manage various operations such as manufacturing order, orders and scrap. It also helps in planning with the help of Run Scheduler. Besides, products, product variants, bill of materials and lot/serial numbers can also be managed with Odoo. Generation of report on the manufacturing process makes Odoo an effective ERP.

Following features make Odoo manufacturing module an effective one.