- Acuerdos de compra
- Advertencia
- Atributos del producto
- Categoria de ProductO
- Coincidencia de Recibos de Compra y Facturas de 3 Vías
- Compra
- Gestión de Productos
- Gotero
- Ordenes de Compra
- Receptores productos
- Reportes
- RequestForQuotationPurchaserOrder
- Unidad de Medida
- UnitfMeAsurectatecturaciones
- Vendorbills
- Vendormanagació
- Administrador
- Billofmateriales
- Categoría de equipos
- Configuraciones de WorkCenters
- CorrectiveMaintenancerequest
- Creando Merman Oferta
- Creando una orden de reparacia
- Enrutamiento
- Fabricación
- Gerencia
- Gerencia de Reparacia
- Gestión de la Calidad
- Gestión del Ciclo de Vida del Producto
- HowtounBuildOrder
- Manejo de Mantenimiento
- ManufacturingOrderManagement
- Mermanes de Creendo
- Nobildaproducto
- Orden
- Planificación de Trabajadores
- Planificante
- Preventivemaintenancerequest
- Productora de administración
- QualityControlpoints
- Reportes
- Subcontratacia
- WorkCenters y Rutings
- Workcenters
- Ajustes de Inventario
- Anuncios
- Capacidad de Productos
- Categorizacia de productos
- Configuración del producto
- Confirmación de Correo Electrónico de Entrega
- Consiguio un
- Coste de Aterrizaje
- Entrega
- Gestión de Almacenes
- Horario de Programació
- IntegratingthirdPartyshipper
- Inventario
- Operaciones de inventario
- Paquetes de Entrega
- Parpadeo
- Planificador
- ProductVariants
- Ratidrategas
- Reglas y rutas
- Reportes
- SMSCONFirmationAtDelivery
- Ubicacia
- Unidades de Medida
Odoo 14 book
The modern methodology of learning which has found its inevitable user in the year 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic being prevailing. The classes have gone online and the institutions are in urgent need to provide the lessons online and make their candidate industry as well as ready to face the world.
The Odoo platform has realized the need for an online learning platform and has come with the elearning module way before its competitors. The Odoo e learning aspects allocate a separate module to deal with the learning aspects of tgeb company. The user can define courses and allocate certifications and tests which could be taken up by the candidate form the company website.
The elearning module of the Odoo platform can be installed in the platform from the application module available. The below image depicts the elearning modules home screen e learning overview. The user can view the course which has been described on the platform. The overview can be viewed in list as well as the kanban view in the Odoo platform. In addition there are various sorting functionality booths default and customisable ones which will help the users in the filtering and the group by operations of the company. The respective courses defined can be selected to be viewed and modifications needed to be done if any.

Creating a new course
The user can create a new course for the eLearning module by selecting the create option available in the overview window. In the creation window the user can assign a new course title and any tags if associated with it. The courses and the visits can be viewed by selecting the menu available. In addition, the courses finished by the candidates will be described in the finished menu. Moreover, the attendees at the reviews made by the candidates can be viewed in the respective menu. The user also has the provision to navigate to the company website to view the courses.
Under the content tab the user can add the section under which the contents and the certification are any required.

Under the description tab the user can define the course description and the objective allocated with the course operation.

Under the options menu the user can view the various course related options that can be assigned. The type of the course can be chosen as training or documentation and the responsible person can be assigned. Under the communication tab the rating can be enabled and the forum description can be provided if any. Default email sent on the new content and the course completion can be added. These emails can be chosen from the email templates being described in the platform.
The accessibility right can be set as public or by invitation. In addition, the visibility of the course can be made public or for members only.

The karma points for the various stages of course completion can be defined for the candidates. The karma points will provide points to the candidates on various stages of operation being completed. Under the reward tab the points for reviewing the course and for the completion can be provided. In the access rights tab, the points for adding a review, comment and vote can also be provided.

The user can also edit the courses and descriptions in the front end when the user can publish the course after editing, add contents and sections. Additionally, the user can share the course to the various candidates using the share option available.

Course Group
The courses described in the Odoo platform can be categorized based on the groups which they have been allocated to. This classification functionality will enable both the users as well as the candidate to easily navigate to the respective courses. The course group menu can be accessed from the configuration tab of the e-learning module. In the menu the user can view all the course allocations being described and there are options to create new ones to the module. The user can also edit the existing ones available by selecting the respective course type.

In the course type creation window the user can provide a name for the course type, assign it's menu entry and provide the tag names allocated with the course type which can be indicted based on the color selections being made.

Content tags
The e-learning module allows the users to create content tags which can be assigned to various contents being added. These content tags can be based on the type of the courses or the course description being allocated with. The course tags menu can be viewed from the configuration menu of the module. In the menu the user can view all the course tags being described and create new ones by selecting the create option. The tag names can be custom made as per the description needs of the course provided by the user.

The Odoo platform allows the users to evaluate the candidate in the e-learning aspect of operations by creating certification programs. These certification programs are allocated with the courses being described. The certification menu accessible from the reporting tab of the module will describe all the certifications available. The user can create new certification by selecting the create option available.
In the certification creation window the user can provide a survey name and add the questions.

To add the questions, the user can initially provide a section name by selecting the add a section and providing name to it. To add the question to the section the user can select the add a question option available. On selecting the options, the user will be depicted with the following pop up window as shown in the image. The question can be mentioned in the respective space allocated. The user can select the question type to be multiple choice with single answer or multiple answers, single answer type, based on date, time or both and be its based on the matrix operation.

Under the answers tab of the question creation window the user can provide the answers for the question by selecting the add a line option available, the answer can be assigned as correct or note and describe the score of the respective question. In the description window the user can provide the customized description on the answer as well as the question.

Under the options menu the user can assign the various options on answering and the questions being described. The question can be made mandatory, assign the number of columns to be described, images on the answer and the condition display. In addition, the user can allow the comments field to be shown to the candidates. In case the question is displayed in the live session the user can set the time limits to be spent on the respective question.

Back in the certification creations menu the user can view the options tab for the certification operation. In the operations the certification layout, progression mode, survey time limit, selection, scoring aspects, the candidate access and the live session details can be provided.

Under the scoring tab the success percentage, clarification allocation, the email template as well as the certifications template can be provided.

All the certifications defined can be viewed in the website under the certification menu of the courses.

The candidate can select the respective one and will be directed to the course menu. Here the user can select the start options available.

As the certification questions described are displayed and the candidate can answer them. Upon finishing it the user can select the submit option available.

The score percentage will be depicted and a detailed description on the answered as well as unanswered questions. As the candidate scrolls down the reporting aspect will provide the certificate evaluation in the form of a chart as described by the user.

Forums are described as virtual rooms where information is harder for a lodge group of people. The users can create various forums under the eLearning module of the Odoo platform. To create a new forum, the user should initially enable the forums options available in the settings menu of the learning module.

On enabling the respective operations, the user can now view the forms menu available in the eLearning dashboard.

To create a new forum, the user can access the creation window. Here the forum name should be mentioned, assign a mode of operation i.e. is it a question type or discussion module and finally allocate a website for the forum posting. Under the options menu the user can assign the privacy and the eLearning course the forum is associated with.

The various karma gains and related rights and rules can be listed out in the respective menu. These karma points obtained can be added to the candidate evaluation for the eLearning courses.
Forum posting
The posts created by the user can be classified into the various forums available. The user can define the description under the posting menu of the forums tab. All the postings are visible in this menu and the user can create new posts based on forums using the creation window available which can be accessed by the create options.
In the post creations window the user can provide a name for the post and assign a forum on which it should be posted on. The website, question, created and updated details are auto allocated by the platform. The tags, status and the reason can be associated. The answers by the user can be described by selecting the add a line option available under the answers menu.

Reposting is an aspect which Odoo never forgets about the same is in the case of the eLearning options. The Odoo platform provides provision for the users to generate quantitative as well as descriptive reports of the various eLearning operations.
The certification of e-learning can be viewed from this tab as it has a certificate menu where the user can view all the certifications and create new ones as described above.
All the reports on the forums and list posting can be viewed in the forums menu reporting accessed from the reporting tab. Here the user can generate graphical quantitative reports in the form of line, bar and pie charts. In addition, there are various filtering and group by operations available which are of default as well as customizable ones.

The reporting menu also provides the user with the quizzes tab where all the quizzes described under the eLearning aspects are listed out.

This is the reporting aspect which provides analytical data on the reviews and ratings provided by the candidate on the courses defined in the platform. This reporting can also be viewed in the form of line, bar and pie charts. Additionally, having various default as well as customizable sorting functionalities.

The Odoo also allows the users to generate reports on the descriptive contents being provided in the platform. This reporting aspect will allow the users to describe the contents of the entire eLearning courses defined.