Odoo 14 book

Warehouse management

The warehouses are the places where the inventory stocks are being stored. These are physically available which are located distance apart or on the same premises but functioning as separate ones. The Odoo platform along with the inventory management operations will perform all the warehouse management operations of the ones listed out. The warehouse operations of the Odoo platform can be initiated from the settings menu of the inventory module.

The storage locations and multistep routes operation can be enabled in the settings menu under the warehouse tab.

Odoo v14 Book

The warehouse menu can be viewed from the configuration tab of the inventory module. In the warehouse menu the user can view all the warehouses listed out in the platform and create a new one by accessing the create menu.

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In the creation menu the user can assign a warehouse name, company allocated, address of the warehouse, purchase and sale journal information. In the warehouse configuration menu the shipping rule of the incoming as well as the outgoing shipments can be selected from the default options available. The resupply info about manufacturing can also be indicated along with the operation aspects of how the process is done. The routes of warehouse operation can also be configured form the menu by selecting the smart button available.

Odoo v14 Book