Odoo 14 book

Creating maintenance stages


Maintenance > Configuration > Maintenance stages


Click CREATE button if you want to create a new maintenance stage


Here, the user can add the name of the stage and specify if it is folded stage or not. Then the user can also mention request done or not status.

Creating maintenance request


Go to Maintenance > Maintenance requests

Here, you can find all maintenance works in progress. You can also create new request.


Click CREATE to create new request


You can fill the given fields as given below.


Title: Name the maintenance request.

Created by: Add the name of the employee who creates maintenance request

Company: Name of the Company that requests for maintenance.

Equipment: Equipment for maintenance.

Request date: Date on which the maintenance is processed

Maintenance type: Select Corrective or Preventive maintenance

Manufacturing order: This field can be used if equipment failure takes place when a manufacturing order is in progress.

Teams: Choose a maintenance team.

Responsible: Person responsible to carry out maintenance

Scheduled date: Date on which the maintenance is planned

Duration: Duration of the maintenance.

Priority: Set priority

Email cc: email ID to which mail copy is sent

Note: The user can add details of request or error

Maintenance request can be created and viewed from the calendar menu also. For that, go to Maintenance>Maintenance Calendar.


A user can create maintenance request from the maintenance calendar also. He the process can be completed by clicking on any date.

Then you get a window
