Odoo 14 book


Barcode is a unique feature that helps a user to easily identify a product along with the product name, serial or lot number and the cost of the product. Barcode scanning is a feature that helps to save time considerably. Attributing of barcode can easily help to manage products at the inventory, during purchase, manufacturing and at point of sale. Odoo Barcode can be used for operations, inventory adjustment and for batch transfers.

To make use of Odoo Barcode first Install Barcode App.

Odoo Barcode App

After installing click on the Barcode App to enter the module

Odoo Barcode App

The user will also need inventory app to enable barcode facility

How to validate barcode for a product

Odoo user can easily validate barcode for a product. For this the user should have access to Inventory module. First install the inventory module and then go to Inventory> Configuration> Settings> Operation

Here the user can enable barcode option.

Odoo Barcode App

Here, click on Configure Product barcode option

Then you will get a new window

Odoo Barcode App

Here, select products requiring barcode. The user can add barcode to the products by clicking on the column.

Odoo Barcode App

Then click Save.

Then go back to Settings>barcode scanner and Save the changes

Set Location Barcodes

To set locations in barcode, a user has to go to Inventory> Configuration> Warehouse Management> Locations

Odoo Barcode App

Here, the user can find different types of already created locations and also create new locations

Odoo Barcode App

For people using multiple locations, it becomes easier to identify each location with a barcode.

A user can also print the location name and barcode. This can be done using the print button.

Odoo Barcode App

Then the user gets a barcode for the location in a printable format. This can be easily pasted on the product box or paper.

Odoo Barcode App

Now, let us see what we can find in Barcode App.

On clicking the Barcode App, the user will be taken to a new window

Odoo Barcode App

The user can make use of the barcode feature for Operations, Inventory and batch transfer from this page.


Clicking on operations tab, the user will be taken to barcode operations page

Odoo Barcode App

Here, the user can get the details of receipts, internal transfer, delivery orders POS orders and dropship. A user can create new receipts or delivery orders by clicking on the corresponding tab.


Odoo Barcode App

Clicking on the Receipt tab we got the above given image. Here, the user can create new receipt with barcode.

Now, click on Create button in the barcode tab to get the below given creation form.

Odoo Barcode App

Here, the user can add product using barcode scanning. Product name, warehouse position, gets updated on doing this. The required quantity will already be visible in the receipt. Then click confirm to add a product to the receipt using the barcode.

Odoo Barcode App

Here, there is a validate button, which can be used to validate the barcode. If the product number added by the user is less than the required number, the user will get a window as given below.

Continue to add product by clicking the button to add sufficient products to meet the demand.

Odoo Barcode App

Then the validate button automatically turns green. If the validation is done before this button turns you get message as given below.

The same way, the user can add products under other categories also.

Odoo Barcode App

POS Orders

Click on POS orders.

Odoo Barcode App

Now click Create

Odoo Barcode App

The user can add products here for POS deal by barcode scanning

Add product and click confirm.

Odoo Barcode App

Then you get a green Validate Button. This can be completed after completing POS process.

Odoo Barcode App

The +1 button on the right hand side can be used to increase the units of products by one

Odoo Barcode App


Click on Dropship option first

Odoo Barcode App

The user gets a new window

Odoo Barcode App

Press Create Button

Odoo Barcode App

As the Dropship business does not involve warehouse and instead get the support of partners who directly deliver product to the customers the details of Partner location gets added here.

Odoo Barcode App

Click Confirm and then validate

Odoo Barcode App

Internal Transfer

Internal transfer is the process of shifting the stock from one place to another. Barcode is used here to ensure traceability of the product.

Odoo Barcode App

Click on Internal transfer and then click create button

Odoo Barcode App

This will enable the user to add details including from location and to location.

Odoo Barcode App Odoo Barcode App

Confirm and Validate

Odoo Barcode App

Delivery Orders

Barcode is also used to carry out the delivery of already given orders

Odoo Barcode App

To make use of this feature click on Delivery orders.

Odoo Barcode App

Now you can click Create button to create a delivery order with barcode scanner.

Odoo Barcode App

The product can be added by clicking on Add Product

Odoo Barcode App

Click to confirm the order and then validate.

Odoo Barcode App

The user can also make use of more options by clicking on the bar icon on the right top.

Odoo Barcode App

On clicking Print Picking Operations, the user gets a window that helps you to choose a layout for the document.

Odoo Barcode App

The user can then print Delivery slip, Barcodes ZPL, Barcodes PDF using this option.

The user can also use the icon on the top to confirm a receipt or dropship.

Clicking on the icon after selecting an already created receipt you get

Odoo Barcode App

Then click on the more icon and click validate. Then the user will get a pop up window.

Odoo Barcode App

Now click apply to validate and make the transfer.

Inventory Adjustment

Inventory adjustment is a feature that can help a retail business person. It helps to make changes in the number of units available in stock. It also helps a user to categorise stock as sellable or non-saleable. The reason for categorising the product as no saleable can also be added.

A user can make use of Odoo to make inventory adjustment.

Odoo Barcode App

Click on inventory adjustment tab first.

The inventory adjustment window is as given below.

Odoo Barcode App

On Clicking create button the user get inventory adjustment creation window

Odoo Barcode App

Here, the user can click add a product button and use the barcode feature to get the details of product stock quantity and quantity to be moved.

Odoo Barcode App

Click Confirm and then validate

Odoo Barcode App

Batch Transfer

This feature helps to transfer a batch or the movement of a certain quantity of the given product. The movement can be done from one work centre to another.

Odoo Barcode App

To make use of Odoo batch transfer feature, click on batch transfers.

Odoo Barcode App

Here the user can view already created batches. The user can also create new batch by clicking create button.

Odoo Barcode App

On clicking create the user will get the above given window. Here, the user can select any of the two operations for batch transfer. The operations given above are Delivery Orders and Receipts. Select the option and the click confirm. Here, we have selected delivery order option. On clicking this, the user will get all delivery orders created by the user.

Odoo Barcode App

The user can select the required orders.

Odoo Barcode App

Confirm the process and you will get a new window.

Odoo Barcode App

Here, the validate button is not in green colour as the number of products chosen is less than the required quantity. Now the user can be clicking on the +1 button on the right hand side of every product to meet the requirement. Then the validate button turns green

Odoo Barcode App

Then the user can complete the process by clicking validate button.