Odoo 14 book
An informative and planning calendar will provide the companies to have an effective schedule management and planning to be done effectively in the various aspects of company operations. The Odoo platform has allocated separate calendars module which allows the users to plan the activities, schedule meetings , task and operational aspects allowing the users manage monitor and control the company operations effectively with time efficiency and productivity
The calendar module allows the users to schedule activities which will be indulged within the company or outside the company operations. In the home screen window of the calendar window the user can view the meeting scheduled based on the day, week, month or year. This functionality will allow the users to sort out the operations based on their period requirement. On selecting the respective day or the time of day the user will be able to view the meetings details, the responsible person and the attendees of the respective activity. There is also various filtering operations available by default and the customisable ones which would allow the users to filter out the data to view the one required.

The user can allocate a meeting or an activity to a respective date by clicking on the date and a pop up window as shown below will appear to the users. Here the user can provide the summary of the meetings and select the create option. To edit the details the user can select the edit options available.

On selecting to edit the meetings the user will be depicted with the meeting creations window where the user can provide a meeting subject and assigning attendees. Multiple attendees can be assigned by selecting the name from the list available from the contact list. In the meetings details window the user can provide a start date and a n end date if it goes for more than a day. In case it's for a couple of hours the user can disable the all day option and provide the duration in hours. Additionally the user can assign the tags and reminders to be sent before the commencement of the meeting. Multiple, tags and reminders can be set along with the precise meeting location details,

Under the option s menu of the meeting creation window the user can assign the meeting to be recurring and the privacy policy on who should be able to see the details. Moreover, the show time allocation can also be made.

Online appointments
As the calendar option in Odoo helps the user with the various scheduling and planning aspects of the company. The calendar module will allow the users to inculcate the online appointments made which can be scheduled and planned based on the availability of the employees and the customers. On installing the appointment module of the Odoo platform the user will be able to schedule the online appointments on the calendar module.
The online appointments window can be accessed from the home dashboard of the calendar module of the platform. In the menu the user can view all the appointments viable and create new appointments using the creation window available.
In the creation window the user can provide an appointment name. Under the scheduling and the availability menu the user can specify the appointment duration, schedule the appointment based on the time and days. In addition the cancelling duration before the appointment can be made. Moreover, time zone and the location can be specified. The appointments remainders can be allocated and the assignment methods can be selected as random employees or the customer can choose one.
In the available employee menu the user can assign the employees who are at companies' disposal to be allocated to the appointment.

The slots of the respective appointments can be chosen in the slots window available. Select the add a line option and the user can select the day and the time of the appointment availability.

A question on the appointment can be described in the questions menu available in the appointment creation window. The user can select the add a line option available and the user will be depicted with the questions creation window.

In the question creation windows the user can provide the question and select the question type. The place holder and the mandatory answer requirement option can be enabled. If there is a multiple choice question option being selected the user can assign the operational answers.

Under the messages menu of the creation tab the user can assign custom made messages for the customer on appointment introduction and appointment confirmation.

Google calendar integration
As Google calendar being one of the most used calendar baked planning applications across the world the Odoo platform allows the user to sync the Google calendar applications with Odoo. This would be much beneficial in dealing with the appointment aspects from the google calendar as well as the Odoo platform.
The user can install the Google calendar from the Odoo application window by searching it in the search bar. Once the application is installed the user can now enable the google calendar in the general settings of the Odoo platform. In the settings window under the integration menu the user can view the Google calendar icon to enable and disable it. On enabling it the user will be asked to provide the client ID and the client secret code for the integration.

In case of any mishap or queries on the effective integration of Google calendar to the Odoo platform the user can select the tutorial option on which he/she will be directed to the Odoo documentation window via a browser.

âThe user can generate both analytical and quantitative reports on the appointment aspects of the company from the calendar module. The appointment reports can be generated in two aspects one only on online appointments and the other one on all the appointments being described in the platform. Weather way of the report generator the Odoo platform allows the user to view the appointments reports in graphical, list or calendar view. Moreover, the graphical view can be described in the form of bar charts, pie charts or line graphs. Additionally With both default and customizable measurements and the sorting options the user can generate various analytical as well as quantitative reports based on the requirement.